Being Proactive // Chase The Lion

9:33 PM

As 2020 looms near, a truth painfully stood out to me.

I had been passive in chasing my dreams/doing the things that I want to do.

Admittedly, it was due to tiredness from PRP. However, one year of "I can't do it" or "there are no opportunities out there" means it had slowly poisoned my worldview.

After PRP ended, I had more time to reflect on life. For the first few weeks, I could not get used to the fact that previous busyness on things that I had to do, had been replaced by doing things that I actually want to do. It was empowering, yet scary.

It took me a while to regain my bearings and evaluate life choices with clarity.

Coincidentally, DUMC (the church that I have been regularly attending) is focusing on "chasing the lion" (2 Samuel 23: 20-23).  "Chasing the lion" means going proactively after the lion (our weaknesses/fear), instead of running away.

Although the recently concluded sermon series was primarily on encouraging people to join missions for Impact2020, it also gradually shaped beliefs about myself and my God-given potential. Datuk Dennis Ignatius delivered a powerful reminder in his sermon "Stand On The Hill" (22-23/11/2019), that God has put seeds of greatness within us, and it is our responsibility to "fan into flame the gift of God" (2 Timothy 1:6).

A series of events happened after I really absorbed this message.

1. I volunteered for the writing team of Impact2020 a few months back. After months of no updates, instead of doubting my abilities, I finally mustered the courage to approach them, asking if they need any help in any way at all. They responded with eagerness and guided me to write my first write-up for church in less than a week!

2. Feeling excited about applying this message, I messaged Pertiwi Soup Kitchen as soon as I realize they have medical clinics on Fridays for the homeless and urban poor. Within a few minutes, they replied to me and I am in! 

"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you." - Matthew 7:7 (NIV)

A little bit of background: my dreams include writing for church and serving in medical clinics. Both dreams were realized just like that. Praise the Lord! 

Just a few weeks ago I was writing about taking life one step at a time even when feeling lost. I was reminded of the beautiful promise of God:

"...along unfamiliar paths I will guide them..." - Isaiah 42:16 (NIV)

Let's enter 2020 with a heart full of gratitude for God's blessings for this year and a posture of submission to His plans for the coming year!

Have a blessed new year!

PC: Pixabay (Pexels)

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