Mum started going into gardening years back. She's been growing her garden slowly and steadily.
Dad has been helping mum water the plants. But since I'm back for good after finishing studies, he decided to teach me the ropes and delegated the royal task to me.
But after incorporating this new habit into my daily routine, I'm surprisingly enjoying this activity.
It all stemmed from this realisation: I felt like a mum to so many plant "kids"!
Every evening, I'd say hello to these cutie pies and sing to them.
Yes, you read right, sing to them!
1. To let time pass faster.
2. To use the song duration as a guide to how long I should water them.
Sometimes I talk to them as well. "Aww, those are nice chillis you have there!" "My you've grown!".
There's this particularly eye-catching potted plant with blooming flowers (Adenium Obesum). Every evening, I'd check on its flowers. It's a remarkable feeling when the flowers bloomed!
Then there's the joy of observing the colour transformation of chillis from green to red. Or a new species of plant sharing the same pot with another species.
Occasionally, I like to experiment spraying fine water droplets at different angles to create mini rainbows.
I may not be able to indulge in this new activity as frequent in the coming months due to job commitments, but I'll definitely stop by and check on them once in a while.
Grow well, dear plants!
PC: Ylanite Koppens (Pexels)