I still find it hard to believe that I am almost approaching the end of my degree life. Yet endings are the start of new beginnings, and I have to admit that I am pretty excited about that.
These few days, I've been thinking about what I envision my life to be until my old age. It was a good reflection session to assess my current state of life and where I envision myself to be in the future. As a self-confessed dreamer, I have dreams that scare me, yet I feel exhilarated knowing that my life would never be dull if I chose to persevere in my dreams. Even as I am typing this, a strong feeling of passion engulfs me.
Yet I have a few experiences that provided me a newfound appreciation for the cliche that dreams do not come true unless effort is put into it. And so realizing the importance of keeping myself accountable for years to come, I recorded a video and wrote in my journal of the goals/dreams that I want to achieve in the long run.
Only one of them is a short-term goal, which is to have a healthy lifestyle by exercising and consciously choosing healthier eating habits. In hindsight, I realized that in order to maintain the motivation to pursue my long-term goals, I need to make sure that I am making progress on my short-term goal. I am pretty excited to be able to follow through so far. Needless to say, this is just the beginning and there are multiple hurdles to come ie limitation to unhealthy food choices, lack of time and energy to commit to exercise, but I believe that with the anticipation of difficulties to come, it will be at least a little easier to overcome them. Wish me luck!
That said, I am aware of the many variables in life. In this, I believe in God's ultimate plan for me and pray for strength to go through the difficult times in life, regardless of whether it is anticipated or not.
If there is one takeaway from the session that I need to remember for the rest of my life, it is this: this is how I would want to live my life-by constantly pushing myself out of my comfort zone, to commit to lifelong learning and growing, to contribute meaningfully to society, and most importantly to serve my God-given purpose in life.
May we all live our lives to the fullest by having faith in our potential. Cheers to life!
PC: Tim Gouw (Pexels)